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Employee Engagement

Relive Employee Appreciation Week

A group of NC State employees plays cornhole at Miller Fields during Employee Appreciation Week.
A group of NC State employees plays cornhole at Miller Fields during Employee Appreciation Week.

You sent more than 700 electronic Paws and Say Thanks cards in one day. You attended webinars and tours and played games at Miller Fields. You and your co-workers met at restaurants. And you sent us photos that documented it all. Thank you, NC State, for making Our Extraordinary Pack Employee Appreciation Week (May 8-12) a resounding success. Your infectious enthusiasm and vibrant display of Pack pride made the weeklong celebration a truly special event.

Put a reminder on your calendar now to join us in October during Red and White Week for Red and White Fest: An Employee Celebration. We’ll plan another standout celebration for you that week.

Below you can relive Employee Appreciation Week by clicking through a photo gallery and scrolling through some curated tweets from the event.

Employee Appreciation Week Photo Gallery

Tweets From Employee Appreciation Week