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Howl About You

Mike Giancola

Assistant Vice Provost and Student Ombuds
Division of Academic and Student Affairs

Mike Giancola
  • I have been an advisor on over 20 service-learning trips with students as part of the Alternative Service Break program at NC State.
  • One of my passions is coaching youth sports, including wrestling, soccer and volleyball. I coached basketball and baseball for one season — enough to know that coaching those sports wasn’t my gift.
  • I love traveling and have visited over 25 countries on five continents. I have an international postcard collection, and I invite students and friends to send me postcards for my collection.
  • Earlier in my life, I had a business as a party clown and dressed as the “Big Red Guy,” “Floppy Bunny” (kid-friendly descriptions) and “Buddy the Blood Drop,” the mascot for the American Red Cross.
  • Some of my favorite things at NC State are Wolfpack wrestling, Feed the Pack food pantry, University Theatre, the Alternative Service Break program and of course, Howling Cow ice cream!

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