Employees Donate Nearly 8,000 Hours to COVID-19 Leave Bank
In July, University Human Resources asked members of the Wolfpack to donate leave hours to the university’s new COVID-19 Voluntary Shared Leave Bank. In a span of two weeks, the Pack stepped up and donated almost 8,000 hours.
The program allows leaving-earning employees to donate leave time to other leave-earning employees who meet specific criteria related to COVID-19.
“It’s heartwarming to see members of the Wolfpack support each other during these worrisome and stressful times,” said Marie Williams, associate vice chancellor for Human Resources. “I’m certain the recipients of these hours will be grateful to all donors.”
Employees can still donate sick, annual or regular bonus leave to the leave bank. To donate hours, please go to the COVID-19 Voluntary Shared Leave Bank webpage and complete the donation form.
“It’s heartwarming to see members of the Wolfpack support each other during these worrisome and stressful times”
Earlier this month, UHR began accepting requests from employees to receive leave hours from the bank. To request hours, visit the page mentioned above and fill out the COVID-19 Voluntary Shared Leave request form.
Leave-earning employees qualify to receive hours from the bank if they have exhausted their accrued leave (both current and future) due to any of the following COVID-19-related qualifying events:
- The employee is needed to provide child care due to a child care facility being closed or unavailable due to COVID-19.
- The employee is needed to provide child care because the employee’s child attends a school that is providing a combination of online and in-person instruction or is only providing online instruction.
- The employee is needed to provide elder care due to an elder care facility being closed or unavailable due to COVID-19.
- The employee is unable to telework due to the nature of the employee’s job duties.
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