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Employee Engagement

Celebrating NC State Pets

Submitted by Val Schwartz, head of admissions, Institute for Advanced Analytics: Towyn is an aggressively affectionate Welsh terrier. He loves hiking, digging holes in the backyard and getting into as much mischief as possible. Don't let the innocent photo fool you.
Submitted by Val Schwartz, head of admissions, Institute for Advanced Analytics: Towyn is an aggressively affectionate Welsh terrier. He loves hiking, digging holes in the backyard and getting into as much mischief as possible. Don't let the innocent photo fool you.

Pets are an integral part of the lives and families of many of us here at NC State. We found out just how much last month when we asked you to send us photos of your pets so we can celebrate them. Employees emailed us more than 100 photos of their pets and included sweet stories about them, including how the pets joined their families. We were thrilled and thankful that so many of you responded to our call to action. Click through the photo gallery below to see some of the cute pet pictures employees submitted to us, and go to our Twitter account to see more. We’ll be posting pictures to the Twitter account this week and next week.