Take a Professional Development Course This Summer
Summertime, when your to-do list might be shorter than it is during the fall and spring, presents an excellent opportunity to take a professional development course. At NC State, Learning and Organizational Development offers a slew of professional development courses through its Leadership Education and Development program. We asked each of L&OD’s course facilitators to recommend a class for our staff and faculty to take this summer, and we present their recommendations below. If you’re interested in learning more about the courses L&OD offers, go to its LEAD webpage.
Leading With Emotional Intelligence
Date and time: July 20, 9 a.m.-noon
Course fee: $250
Course delivery: Zoom
Facilitator: Kevin Rice, Director, Learning and Organizational and Development
Registration link: REPORTER
About the Course
Emotional intelligence enables participants to explore how emotions can lead either to behaviors that reinforce positive interpersonal relationships or to those that can negatively impact how you interact with others. During this course, participants will review and discuss the core elements of emotional intelligence by completing the Emotional Quotient Inventory. This course provides you with the strategies to manage your emotions, respond usefully to the emotions of others, and improve personal effectiveness and team performance. All participants will receive a workplace report showing them their strengths and areas that need improvement. The report’s result will quickly identify how emotional intelligence can impact behaviors that will help you become more effective in your role.
Why Does Kevin Recommend This Course?
I recommend this course because participants can quickly become self-aware of those behaviors that can get in the way of their interaction with others. The assessment provides practical, easy to apply steps for self-managing and improving future interactions.
Discovering and Developing Your Character Strengths
Date and time: June 30, 9 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
Course fee: Free
Course delivery: Zoom
Facilitator: Anne White, Consultant, Learning and Organizational Development
Registration link: REPORTER
About the Course
Character strengths are the positive dimensions of your personality that influence how you think, feel and behave. They reflect the “real” you — who you are at your core.
Why Does Anne Recommend This Course?
I recommended this course because knowing and applying your highest character strengths is the key to becoming your best self. Identifying and leveraging these strengths can help you enhance team collaboration, build your resilience and optimize your professional potential.
Adaptive Mindset: Unlocking Personal Agility
Date and time: Aug. 9, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Course fee: $250
Course delivery: In person
Facilitator: Stephanie Davis, Assistant Director, Learning and Organizational Development Registration link: REPORTER
About the Course
During this interactive session, participants will discuss creative IDEAs to increase team innovation and adaptability for a changing world. The Agility IDEA Model consists of four dimensions — investigate, design, energize and apply — and is designed to help individuals overcome the cognitive biases that prevent them from seeing and executing on opportunities for innovation.
Why Does Stephanie Recommend This Course?
I recommend this course because it gives participants the opportunity to assess their agility skills through anonymous feedback. Past participants have also enjoyed the opportunity to get creative and have some fun while learning new skills that allow them to be agile in their workplaces.
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