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Howl About You

Mark Tulbert

Director, Marketing
Arts NC State

Mark Tulbert
  • I grew up on a farm in Union Grove, North Carolina. Working in tobacco fields provides great motivation for getting good grades.
  • In the 1970s and early 80s, my tiny, unincorporated hometown would balloon to the population of a midsize city for an annual music festival. It was like reliving Woodstock one week per year.
  • A favorite memory: the time an exuberant Arts Village student dashed out of a dance performance in Stewart Theatre, giddy as he told us the experience was “life-changing.” Yep. That’s why we do it.
  • In November 2014, my husband, Rob, and I were honored to be featured on the NC State news site in an article about couples who got married before North Carolina’s ban on same-sex marriage was struck down.
  • I love black coffee, and I drive a car with a stick shift.

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