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Howl About You

Annaka Sikkink

Employee Development and Engagement Coordinator
Campus Enterprises

  • As an undergrad, I majored in psychology and almost earned a minor in music. I ended up one class short of getting the minor. I play the flute.
  • I have lived in five different states in the U.S., the first four of which have much colder winters than North Carolina. I don’t miss the snow.
  • I have been a vegetarian for more than 25 years but could never be a vegan. I love cheese too much.
  • I probably spend too much time watching gardening YouTube videos. Visiting Keukenhof gardens in the Netherlands is on my bucket list.
  • I love having an office in Talley Student Union where I can see students, staff and faculty coming and going. It’s great to work around all the fun things in the student union, including Howling Cow ice cream.

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