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Howl About You

Charisse Rogers

Assistant to the Chief of Staff
Office of the Chancellor

  • Right before I was born, my mom watched a movie with Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse. She decided that evening that if I was a girl, my name would be Charisse. I guess I just dated myself.
  • Since I grew up in Cincinnati during the time of the Big Red Machine, I’ll always be a Reds fan, and a Bengals fan, too. 
  • When I was a teenager, I was fortunate enough to be invited to study with the Chicago Ballet Company. It was an amazing experience.
  • I’ve traveled to almost every state in the union (43 at last count) and several countries. There’s a lot to see out there!
  • I’ve been married to my husband, Vince, for 35 years and have two incredibly smart and beautiful grown daughters and one amazing son-in-law. I’m very blessed and very lucky.

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