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NC State Honors Staff Members for Reaching Service Milestones

Service Awards Spring 2021
Chancellor Randy Woodson pictured with team members from the NC State Benefits Office during the March 24 Service Awards event. (Left to Right: Gareth Washington, Merari Valencia, Chancellor Randy Woodson, Margot Henion, Mayuri Patel, Karen Young, Kaprina Mitchell, and Britt Hurst)

On March 24, NC State honored 991 staff members who reached service milestones in 2020. The honorees had a combined 12,760 years of service. Instead of the traditional Service Awards breakfast, University Human Resources hosted a drive-through event outside Reynolds Coliseum so it could safely celebrate the honorees. Chancellor Randy Woodson, members of the chancellor’s cabinet and UHR representatives handed the honorees a gift and a boxed meal as they drove by the coliseum. Congratulations to all the honorees.

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